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28A E. Roseville Rd.
Sterling Center
Lancaster, PA 17601

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Artificial Intelligence

By   |   Business, Technology, Uncategorized

Artificial Intelligence ChatGPT was a highly intelligent language model created by OpenAI, designed to generate high-quality content in various media formats. Its potential to create media content was limitless, from writing articles to creating videos and even composing music. One day, a group of tech…

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Kevin Martorana Take One Productions

Has it been 39 Years?

By   |   Business, Technology, Uncategorized

.   This week (January 10) I received a notification on LinkedIn to congratulate Kevin Martorana for 39 years at Take One Productions. Really, 39 years? Holy S#@!, I mean, uh, WOW. That’s an actual lifetime of production experience.     When Kevin began working…

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Photo of Silver and Bronze Telly® awards

We’re Going to Need a Bigger Shelf

By   |   Business, Technology, Uncategorized

Take One Productions is excited to announce we’ve been recognized by the national Telly® awards for excellence in broadcast and non-broadcast production for two of our shows produced last year. Armstrong Ceilings’ Healthy Spaces Ecosystems video was the recipient for recognition in the Sustainability (non-broadcast)…

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Close up of the Crane s3

Our History with Gimbal Technology

By   |   Business, Technology

You have no doubt seen at least one video on YouTube/TikTok/Instagram where a person is walking in a location and talking to you, their devoted followers, where the camera stays perfectly focused on the subject while maintaining a relatively smooth point of view. Then in…

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Butterfly Atrium at the Gardens at Hershey

Right Tool for the Job

By   |   Business, Technology

Whenever I’m asked to describe my profession I have two “go to” phrases to describe  the image acquisition portion; the first is DIGITAL CINEMATOGRAPHY…It has an erudite ring to it, conjuring images of prime lenses, ISO settings,  shutter degree angles and craft services.  The second…

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